1997. 01-02
SZANISZLÓ L. JAKI: Consistent Bioethics and Christian Consistency 1
ISTVÁN KEVE: The Biblical Theology of Life 6
ISTVÁN KOVÁCS: The Christian Position about the Beginning of Life 9
LAURA PALAZZANI - ELIO SGRRECCIA: Personality and Bioethics 13
TIBOR RÁSZLAI. Can the Human Nature be Changed? 18
JÁNOS URBANCSEK - ZOLTÁN PAPP: Assisted Human Reproduction 23
DOMINIQUE FOLSCHEID:The Christian Perspective on the Status of the Embryo 29
PAMELA E SIMS: The Gynecologist and the Abortion 33
LAJOS GYÖRGY. The Necessary Character of Evolution 37
PETER KAPCSULIK: The Tasks of the Hungarian Chamber of Physicians 42
JEN LRINCZ: The Legal Aspects of Medical Care 50
ISTVÁN ULBING: The Activities of the Ethical Committee of the Hungarian Chamber of Physicians 56
ISTVÁN BETLÉRI: Some Questions of the Physician-Patient Relation 59
News of the Society 64